Are you working hard to make your both ends meet? Can’t make enough to fulfill your daily expenses? Looking for an online job to make some money? Looking for a part time job? Don’t have any exceptional skill which you can offer on freelancing sites? Tired of being cheated by frauds with internet money earning methods? Here we bring you the easiest method to earn a lot on internet by just giving some time and devotion to it. No skills required. No experience is required.
If you are reluctant to take risks, then this is the best method which can help you in this regard. Just Follow the simple steps mentioned in our blog to earn as much as you want depending on your hardwork and patience.
You can make money on internet by just sharing and uploading the media files. You have to upload or share the files on any of the under mentioned websites and you will get a download link for that content. You can share the files with your friends on social media sites and public forums like:
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Instagram
4. Blogs
5. Websites
6. Discussion Forums
7. Email marketing
The earnings you make generally depends on number of downloads you can get on your posts. Mostly, every website affiliated with this method pays you after getting 1000 downloads from your posts.
You can make money using this method in three ways. Just understand the methods mentioned below.
Pay as per Downloads:
If your uploaded link or shared link (By whatever method you have done this thing) has got minimum 1000 downloads for the content provided to you by the website, then you will get paid by those websites. The pay generally ranges from 10$ - 40$. The pay depends on geographical location generally from where the files are downloaded.
You will get an unique URL for your profile after registering for the website. You can send that link to your friends and family members. If anyone uses that link to get their selves registered for the same task for the same website, you will always get 10% to 40% of their earnings and their earnings are not deducted. It is like you also are paid with 10% to 40% of their earnings too.
Premium Account Commissions:
This thing is relatively different from the above mentioned methods. If anyone uses the link you have provided for the premium account signup, you will get some fixed commission from the website as well as some percentage of their earnings which usually depends on the website for which you are working.
- Signup for any website that offers file sharing service.
- Upload their provided files from your account to get a download link.
- Share it with everyone.
- Get paid for every 1000 downloads.